
Our periodical, ECCLESIA ORANS, is now beginning its fifth year. This past year has been one of celebrations: that of the 25th anniversary of the foundation of the Pontificai Institute of Liturgy, and that of the centenary of the Athenaeum of Sant’Anselmo. To commemorate these events, the periodical Has presented some articles that we hope will be of special interest to our readers.
The artici e of Professar Anscar J. Chupungco, «The Pontifical Liturgical Institute: A Benedictine Service to the Church», outlines the history of the Institute’s foundation, highlighting the objectives and goals which the founders had in mind for it. This history has a certain bearing on ECCLESIA ORANS itself, and therefore certainly merits to be published. Everything regarding the science of the liturgy is matter for our publication: the presentation of texts and of history, the study of biblical, patristic, speculative or pastoral dimensions of the liturgy – all these areas can be included here. All that is required is that such articles ha ve a clear and well-articulated scientific bent, and at least in part offer something new for consideration.
The article of Mons. Marini, «L’influsso del Pontificio Istituto Liturgico nella vita della Chiesa», points out the impact made on the ecclesiastical and academic worlds from the directions taken by the Institute in its· research and teaching. And in the same section, there are two other articles from individuals who have served as presidents: B. Neunheuser, «Liturgiewissenschaft: Exakte Geschichtsforschung oder (und) Teologie der Liturgie?»; and I. Scicolone, the President, «L’utilizzazione delle fonti nella riforma liturgica del Vaticano II». In the end, both of these point out the scope and the methods of research and teaching that are characteristic of the Institute.
The second section is a good example that illustrates our policy of presenting any unpublished research or other analytical work in the field of liturgy. Here we find the studies of Prof. C. Renoux, «Casoc et Tonakan arméniens. Dépendance et complémentarité», and of B. Baroffio – S. Marovic, «Il sacramentario-rituale di Spalato e la tradizione eucologica latina». There is also a contribution to the theology of liturgy and symbol, that of Prof. E. Salmann, «Mönchtum und Philosophie. Eine Ideine Theorie cles Symbols». An originai study on the manner of ùnderstanding art in worship is that of M. Parabiaghi, « Pitture ed apparato di culto nelle opere del Venerabile Beda ».
The third section has an article of Prof. G. Lafont, «Permanence et transformations des intuitions de Dom Casel», which was presented at a symposium of the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy on the occasion of the centenary of Dom Casel’s birth. Prof. Lafont discusses Casel’s general approach to liturgical theology. In so far as it has permanent validity, it thus requires and produces continuing research.
The article of Prof. A.M. Triacca, «Esorcismo: un sacramentale discusso», touches on a matter of some immediate interest for certain sacramental celebrations. Our readers will note that it is treated with depth and in a scientific manner, thus giving an example of how our magazine wishes to treat such matters of contemporary interest. On the other hand, the study of Prof. T.A. Krosnicki, «Postcommunions for Martyrs, Monks and Bishops», comes under the heading of textual studies. In similar depth, the vital link between bible and liturgy is shown in the article of A. Gangemi, «La struttura liturgica dei capitoli 4 e 5 dell’Apocalisse di S. Giovanni».
The upcoming year will see articles along the same line as followed up to now by ECCLESIA ORANS. It will be characterized by contributions of great richness and diversity. We do not wish to list bere all the articles to be published, but we can offer a small preview:
The problematic of the Kyrie of the Mass and that of the universal Prayer of the Faithful has not yet been cntirely clarified: Prof. Chavasse will consider this old but ever new problem again.
In the Latin Church there has recently been reintroduced the institution of the (permanent) diaconate. We will present a study by Prof. Gros of the most ancient roman formulae for their ordination. Along this line, the question of the diaconate for women will also come up in more than one study. Prof. Carr, to name only one, will present an edition of a thirteenth century manuscript that contains a syriac text going back to the seventh century of the imposition of hands upon a deaconess.
All are aware of the complexity of the terms «benedicere» and «benedictio». Prof. Gerhards will study their theological and liturgical meaning in the writings of Saint Augustine.
Prof. Janeras will present an ancient hagiopolite «ordo» of Lent that may be discovered from Italo-Greek prayers of the ambo.
The always current problem of adaptation will be considered in an article by Prof. Chupungco. In the process of clarifying the precise meaning of liturgical «inculturation», he will point out the necessity of terminological precision in order to avoid confusion.
«To read» a work of liturgical art correctly is not a simple matter: Prof. Valenziano, using concrete examples, will consider the hermeneutics of liturgical art.
The study of patristics is intimately linked with that of the liturgy. In this line, P. Desprez will study baptism in the work of pseudo-Macarius. Another study on Odo Casel, that of E. von Severus, will also be presented. This article is actually the presentation made by the author at the symposium held last year in the Pontifical Liturgical Institute to celebrate this forerunner of liturgical theology.
Prof. Roberts will examine a twelfth century Sicilian text of the Exultet.
And the liturgy celebrated by our separated brethren will not be forgotten: Prof. Baumgartner will take us back to the origins of the paschal celebration in the Reformed Churches of Switzerland.
We think that this preview adequately illustrates that ECCLESIA ORANS is not enclosed within the field of liturgy taken in its strictest sense, but rather is open to presenting truly scientific studies from any field which touches on the liturgy.
