XXIII – 2006/1

W.R.F. Browning, A Dictionary of the Bible (Oxford Paperback Reference), Revised edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2004, XVII-433 pp. [L.T. Simon]

Études grégoriennes 33 (2005), Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes, publiée avec le concours de l’Institut de Recherche Fondamentale et Appliquée, Université Catholique de l’Ouest, 2005, 223 pp. [P. Gunter]

J.D.C. Fisher, Christian Initiation: Baptism in the Medieval West. A Study of the Disintegration of the Primitive Rite of Initiation, Hillenbrand Books, Chicago-Mundelein IL 2004, XVI-220 pp. [J. Leachman]

J. Gelineau, Liturgical Assembly Liturgical Song (Studies in Church Music and Liturgy), Pastoral Press, Portland OR 2002, VI-178 pp. [M.A. Clarahan]

F. Giardini, Il desiderio del Paradiso nella vita eterna, Angelicum University Press, Roma 2003, 284 pp. [J. Leachman]

Liber Sacramentorum Paduensis (Padova, Biblioteca Capitolare, cod. D 47), edd. A. Catella-F. Dell’Oro-A. Martini-F. Crivello (Bibliotheca Ephemerides Liturgicae. Monumenta Italiae Liturgica 3), CLV – Ed. Liturgiche, Roma 2005, 595 pp. [J.J. Flores Arcas]

Martyrologium Romanum, Editio princeps (1584), ed. Manlio Sodi – Roberto Fusco, présentation Robert Godding (Monumenta liturgica Concilii tridentini 6), Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano 2005, XLVI-604 pp. [J.M. Pommarès]

S. Ó Duinn, The Rites of Brigid, Goddess and Saint, The Columba Press, Blackrock 2005, 236 pp. [J.M. Pommarès]

Pietà popolare e Liturgia: Teologia-Spiritualità-Catechesi-Cultura, ed. M. Sodi-G. de la Torre (Monumenta studia instrumenta liturgica 35), Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano 2004, XXVIII-383 pp. [J. Leachman]

Tagezeitenliturgie. Ökumenische Erfahrungen und Perspektiven. Liturgie des Heures. Expériences et perspectives Œcuméniques, edd. M. Klöckener-B. Bürki, Academic Press, Fribourg 2004, 388 pp. [E. López – T. García]

C. Tietze, Hymn Introits for the Liturgical Year. The Origin and Early Development of the Latin Texts, Hillenbrand Books, Chicago 2005, 312 pp. [P. Gunter]

XXIII – 2006/2

M. Barba, L’Institutio generalis del Missale Romanum; Analisi storico-redazionale dei riti d’ingresso, di offertorio e di comunione (Monumenta studia instrumenta liturgica 40), Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano 2005, XI-594 pp. [J.M. Pommarès]

G. Dix, The Shape of the Liturgy, reprint with new «Introduction» by Simon Jones. Continuum, London-New York 2005, XXXXIX-764 pp. [J. Leachman]

J.S. Lampard, Go Forth, Christian Soul. The Biography of a Prayer, Epwort, Peterborough 2005, XXVI-208 pp. [P. Regan]

M.E. McGann, A Precious Fountain: Music in the Worship of an African American Catholic Community (Virgil Michel Series), Liturgical Press, Collegeville MN 2004, 326 pp. [M.A. Clarahan]

E. Petrolino, Diaconato, servizio – missione. Dal Concilio Vaticano II a Giovanni Paolo II, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano 2006, 190 pp. [J.M. Pommarès]

The Book of Common Prayer… According to the Use of the Church of Ireland, The Columba Press, Dublin 2004, 799 pp. [H. O’Shea]

XXIII – 2006/3

X. Basurko, Historia de la Liturgia (Biblioteca Litúrgica 28), Centre de Pastoral Litúrgica, Barcelona 2006, 715 pp. [E. Carr]

Benedictus Abbas, Regula monasteriorum sancti Benedicti abbatis, Abbazia S. Maria di Rosano – Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano ²2002, 203 pp. [E. Carr]

S. Caldecott, The Seven Sacraments. Entering the Mysteries of God (A Crossroad Book), Crossroad Publishing Company, New York 2006, X-148 pp. [J.M. Pommarès]

D.B. García, El sacramento de la penitencia en la escuela de Salamanca. Francisco de Vitoria, Melchor Cano y Domingo Soto (Bibliotheca salmanticensis, Estudios 283), Publicaciones Universidad Pontificia, Salamanca 2006, 252 pp. [P.A. Muroni]

T. Grass, Gathering to His Name. The Story of Open Brethren in Britain and Ireland, Paternoster, Milton Keynes UK – Wynesboro GA 2006, XX-589 pp. [E. Carr]

J.L. Gutièrrez-Martin, Belleza y misterio. La liturgia, vida de la Iglesia (Astrolabio – Religión), Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A., Pamplona 2006, 188 pp. [J.M. Pommarès]

Mehr als Brot und Wein. Theologische Kontexte der Eucharistie, ed. W. Haunerland. Echter, Würzburg 2005, 299 pp. [E. López-Tello García]

Pius Parsch in der liturgiewissenschaftlichen Rezeption. Klosterneuburger Symposion 2004, eds W. Bachler-R. Pacik-A. Redtenbacher (Pius Parsch Studien. Quellen und Forschungen zur Liturgischen Bewegung 3), Echter, Würzburg 2005, 331 pp. [E. López-Tello García]

Ruperto di Deutz, Mite e umile di cuore. I libri XII e XIII del De gloria et honore Filii hominis. Super Matthaeum, introduzione, traduzione e note di Alessio Magoga (Sapienza 13), Glossa, Milano 2004, XIII-288 pp. [A. Simón]

R.K. Seasoltz, A Sense of the Sacred. Theological Foundations of Christian Architecture and Art. Continuum, New York-London 2005, VI-394 pp. [E. López-Tello García]

H.-U. Wiese, Karsamstagsexistenz. Auseinandersetzung mit dem Karsamstag in Liturgie und moderner Kunst (Bild-Raum-Feier. Studien zu Kirche und Kunst 1), Schnell-Steiner, Regensburg 2002, 292 pp. [E. López-Tello García]